Differences in Emotinal Expressivity
Jessica Hernandez
In Wikipedia Emotional expressions "are those expressions in people while talking observably verbal and nonverbal behaviors are that communicate an internal emotional or affective state"(1). In other words, for me means people while talking use with them verbal and non-verbal words, feelings and body movement.
Is interesting how the humans communicated according to their culture. Even in the country are a different expression and means the same but in others words, for example, in the North of Mexico, Monterrey the people say ¡este niño se chifla! translate: this boy is whistle! in the center of Mexico, Puebla say ¡este niño se emberricho! translate: this boy is tantrum! and the real meaning is the boy or the child throws a tantrum because is angry for something that he wants.
Brother Ivers said, "Emotional expressivity is one of the things that are more easily misunderstood that many other things in cross-cultural differences" (2) How emotional expressivity can affect in the classroom? In spite of in a classroom are students with the same country, with the same tongue mother, the culture could be different, then as a teacher is important to teach about mercy, patience, respect, and encouragement to work together. I share with you the next video, for me is important to identify the cross-cultural in the classroom and then improve the group until being one.
2. https://content.byui.edu/file/81c5f26e-4a29-4c68-accb-c2b1539f93a0/2/Differences%20in%20Emotional%20Expressivity.html
Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbfpyJfI1ho
The video seemed very interesting , I agree with you.
ResponderBorrarI think Emotinal Expressivity is an important factor for good communication, and in the case of language, in different cultures there are many terms that if not used correctly can generate conflicts.
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