
Mostrando las entradas de junio, 2018

Deep Culture in the Elementary classroom

12/06/2006 Jessica Hernandez According to Albert Ellis, ..." the formula used in the real of mental counseling that we believe is quite pertinent to the teaching of deeper culture as well" (1)               A.event of circumstances     B.believes or culture    C. Reaction As I understood for this formula, we can use it for teaching language with deep culture, for example, You can imagine a group with different students, some came from Mexico, other African, Europe. In class, the topic to taught is: A. event of circumstances - you receive friendly visits, and you desire to be a kindness offering a drink. B. Believes or culture - Some places offering one time, other culture offer twice or more                                        Your friendly visits accept you for the first time or accept after twice...

Cultural and Psychology

07/06/2018 Jessica Hernandez Never thought and connect culture by psychology, around my life, psychology subtly affect.     In Mexico, when a baby born, the family give a gift, red bracelet (with a little eye). The culture said that the red bracelet brings some kind of protection for the baby, in spite of the people don´t bring evil eyes to the baby. I don´t believe in this culture-psychology,  but many babies carry the bracelet., the thing that I believe is as a mother, parents we wish the best for our children.   I identify one culture and psychology similar to Us - Mexico - Italian and maybe others countries, is the racism think that one is better than other is pride´s racism. By the next video, Doll test (2), you can watch how children have the psychology as part of their life although not is the real. Not all know to identify those abilities.    In Mexico are native people, but many times the n...

Difference in Manners

05/06/2018 Jessica Hernandez   In Mexico, some manners are to express gratitude or bad feelings, rudeness, but I focus on gratitude manners. For example, if you are driving and through your trip, you desire to give the step for other driver or people walking, you move your hand side by side, like the next video, and duck your head and give thanks or say thank you with your hand. Then I was drivin in Provo, Utah wity my sister, and a gentleman gives me a step, so I as a gratitude person I did my manners, but he got angry. It that moment I did not why then my sister told me that my manners do not work in that city. So, I learned that each place has their culture-manners. Another example,   In China,Taiwan,   and much of the Far East, belching is considered a compliment to the chef and a sign that you have eaten well and enjoyed your meal. You ca not do it in Mexico, looks rude and is embarrasing.   Now, about in the classro...


05/06/2018 Jessica Hernandez All the world is full of cultures.     Each country has own culture and there is enrichment. As a future teacher in TESOL, I know that in the classroom I will have different students with their own culture, their culture will be their identity.     I really do not know if cross-culture would affect the relationship between students-partners-teacher, but something that I learned in this week is that even ones have own culture, I can learn from their student's cultures.     Even in my country, taking the same tongue mother and share the same traditions, exist cross-culture, for example, my family and me were living in Xalapa, Veracruz and we moved to Cancun, Quintana Roo. The same tradition is to wear a uniform in the high school, but the difference was wearing the uniform because, in Xalapa, girls wear a skirt and men pants but in Cancun all the students wear short. If you wear ...


02/06/2018 Jessica Hernandez  (1) Attributions are inferences that people draw about the cause of events, others´ behavior, and their own behavior (2)    In humans, attribution is common to do, as you watch the video, Maria takes a different attitude, she has a reason, her cat, but not all the people around her do not know it and make an opinion. In my country, we have a proverb: people we see, hearts we can´t see. Recall this words, teach me that has a connection with attribution. Depending on which part we are, in or outside the situation, attribution exist. One day a get late to the gathering, my clothes were wet, so I wasn´t available but I decided to go and take my class. My partners were looking rare, and it was embarrassing. When the class finish, one partner asked me what happened to me, and told her that when I was driven, my son poured water on me because he was trying to open his battle. Then she sa...