Cultural and Psychology

Jessica Hernandez

Never thought and connect culture by psychology, around my life, psychology subtly affect. 

   In Mexico, when a baby born, the family give a gift, red bracelet (with a little eye). The culture said that the red bracelet brings some kind of protection for the baby, in spite of the people don´t bring evil eyes to the baby. I don´t believe in this culture-psychology,  but many babies carry the bracelet., the thing that I believe is as a mother, parents we wish the best for our children.

  I identify one culture and psychology similar to Us - Mexico - Italian and maybe others countries, is the racism think that one is better than other is pride´s racism. By the next video, Doll test (2), you can watch how children have the psychology as part of their life although not is the real. Not all know to identify those abilities.

   In Mexico are native people, but many times the native people suffer from the own racism in their own country. This is because many of them are poor. The poor people don´t have similar opportunities than the rich, and many rich people thought that the poor people are not intelligent for being poor. the worst idea is that many native poor believed that they are not intelligent even dumb. When I was in high school, I had the opportunity to meet a girl, her name is Enriqueta, she was shy, as a native girl, she doesn´t feel confidence into the school because she is different from her partners.

The photo is some similar to a native people (3)

Now, know how the culture and psychology affect our identity, I believe that the teacher has an important game into class and in each student. So, the teacher has some power to work and improve each student in spite of the culture and phycology, for example, I imagine my group with different gifts, abilities, and culture; trying to learn, and Each one of them is child of God, soI can start sharing this truth, God loves each one of them.



  1. I really enjoyed reading your comments and learning about some aspect o the Mexican culture I didn't know.
    I do believe that teachers do have the power to influence students for good too, and the power to help them overcome all the things that often hinder the student's ability to see themselves in the proper light.


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