
Mostrando las entradas de mayo, 2018

Individualism and collectivism

31/05/2018 Jessica Hernandez      Through this week, we are leaning  Individualism and collectivism; some countries are more collectivism, for example, Mexico. I desire to discuss this topic with a different idea or way; in my life, I have been living in individualism and collectivism.just like a baby born, through the life learned to be self-reliance, the baby crawls, walks, and then runs, growing step by step. Depending completing from his/her parents, but at the same, the things that learned is converting an individual person.  All my child and my young life I depend on my parents and family, but when I was 18 years, for the society I´m an adult, and the responsibilities came as an adult. The society demands me a being more responsible in a home, in school and in job; and many things I should do it alone, being an individualism person but at the same a collectivism person when I coexist with my family. This picture show in yellow are countries...

Differences in Emotinal Expressivity

29/05/2018 Jessica Hernandez    In Wikipedia Emotional expressions "are those expressions in people while talking observably verbal and nonverbal behaviors are that communicate an internal emotional or affective state"(1). In other words, for me means people while talking use with them verbal and non-verbal words, feelings and body movement.    Is interesting how the humans communicated according to their culture. Even in the country are a different expression and means the same but in others words, for example, in the North of Mexico, Monterrey the people say ¡este niño se chifla! translate: this boy is whistle! in the center of Mexico, Puebla say ¡este niño se emberricho! translate: this boy is tantrum! and the real meaning is the boy or the child throws a tantrum because is angry for something that he wants.     Brother Ivers said, "Emotional expressivity is one of the things that are more easily ...

Cultural of miscommunication

26/05/2018 Jessica Hernandez    Is interesting how since the beginning of the man the communication is vital the life, and it does not matter which land, county you are from, communication is part of us. Each culture has own communication and tradition working side by side and includes languages and gestures.   .  Brother Ivers said.."Miscommunication is rampant between cultures. And it causes a lot of difficulties; it may even cause wars. It can cause murders, it can cause sexual assaults, it can cause a lot of different terrible things. And so, it is very important to understand that miscommunication is always a big possibility" (1) I understand that miscommunication makes misunderstanding, buy how miscommunication is a big possibility? Well, after analyzed this question, my conclusion is the big possibility is when the person decides to learn the new culture, new communication, new tradition and new form or style of the life. I share with you a vide...

Cultural difference in concerning time

24/05/2018 Jessica Hernandez I recognize that each country has own culture. I have never heard something about Monochronic and Polychronic until study this topic in TESOL. My family and I live in Mexico, and Mexico has rules even we work hard to fulfill the rules but also in our culture is important to help, support, strengthen. Let me share with you an experience, 3 years ago, my husband was driving for a new address in Mexico City, suddenly we were lost, so we asked a taxi driver Us: How can we found the correct way? and arrive at the new address?  was a surprise for us his answer he told us: well, you only need to take the left street and some meters you will find your address.  Us: but that street is opposite side! we couldn´t drive over there Taxidriver: Oh don´t worry! only you will drive few meters, it´s ok!  I can help you, You follow me and I ´ll be your guidance Us: Thanks!, but in this time we are going to wait. Then the taxi driver has gone...

Cultural Paradigms

22/05/2018 Jessica Hernandez What is cultural paradigm? How far exist the cultural paradigms form us?    15 years ago, when I was a young mother, my family and I visited a family from Acayucan, Veracruz, Mexico. During our stay, we enjoyed the countryside, in the preparation of food the women usually cook tortillas by hand. Tortillas by hand are the most delicious food. As a visitor, I decided to cook with them. The surprise for them was that I helped them, they could not believe that I know cook tortillas by hand because I came from the city, and they thought that all the women from the city do not know anything about cook-food. So they doubted my ability, a fortunately for me, I felt confident to help them because years ago my mother and my grand other taught me. They could not believe even some of them resisted, they asked me to cook a tortilla and after saw how I did it, they left me to help them. After cook together, we enjoyed a delicious food . ...

L02-The Great American Teacher Dead?-Jessica Hernandez

May/3/18, Lesson 02, Response to "The Great American Teacher Dead?"   Since I can remember knowledge is part of my life, into my life were and are teachers, some of them impact my life. Transmit the knowledge is by the Education.   Education has two parts, one is taught and the other part is learned. "As calcium needs vitamin D to maximize its absorption, learning, as I will show, is enhanced by teaching ..." So, each part is important, without one of them the real process of education would not fulfill the purpose.   Read "Is the -great American Teacher Dead? and the part where E:L Cerroni -Long concluded that American students were not very deep intellectually. I recall my own experience as a student and evaluating my past education, I agree with her conclusion, that many of my partners even me were not very deep intellectual because one problem was learned from poor teaching, and other was did not grow our abilities.  Teacher depends on th...